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New Businesses

New businesses have just opened in your area. Be the first to discover and support these pioneering ventures. Visit them today and start a new trend!

Ankabut Donair Kebab & Cafe

This fancy new restaurant prides itself by being the best Mediterranean delight in all of Vancouver. One look at their menu will have your mouth watering at the sight of all those delectable delicacies from across the world. Visit them today and experience a whole new world of flavours!

Location: 6453 Victoria Dr

Website: ankabut.ca

Tel: 778-833-1638 

Email:  ankabut.ca@gmail.com 

Soul Wellness Centre

Tired after a long of hard work? Soul Wellness centre specializes in massage and acupuncture to help relieve your body of your physical ailments. It blends both Western and Eastern massage techniques to more effectively remove stress and fatigue from your body. Book an appointment now and revitalize your body!

Location: 6469 Victoria Dr

Website: https://www.soulwellnesscentre.net/

Tel: 604.901.6678

Email: info@soulwellnesscenter@gmail.com